Опубликовано: Февраль 23, 2012

Selection of stone for an Alpine slide

It is impossible to build a rock garden without a special selection of stones.

There are some rules for selecting material for the construction of an Alpine slide. First, experts recommend using stones only of natural origin, not collected from meadows and fields, and do not need pressed stones and concrete. In addition, when organizing a rock garden, you need to use only the same type of stones, such as Sandstone or shale, without mixing stones of different mineralogical composition. The last point of the rules – the weight of stones should exceed 10-15 kg, the best option is a weight of about 100 kg, while it is desirable to choose stones with traces of destruction and weathering.

Not all rocks are suitable for creating an Alpine slide. Let's consider the characteristics of the most popular breeds in connection with the organization of the rock garden.

Sandstone has a very important advantage for our purposes, which is represented by a variety of colors. The stone can have shades of sand, cream, grey or reddish. Sandstone fragments tend to have a rounded shape, and sharp corners persist for a fairly long period of time.

The special attractiveness of the color is also characterized by slate. You can find a breed of gray, purple, and even green. It is very malleable to various processes of weathering and destruction, being ground and smoothed over time.

Limestone is less resistant to the harmful effects of external environmental factors. When weathered, its sharp edges quickly roll over and wear off. But limestone has an important advantage in the construction of an Alpine slide-the fragments of this rock are often covered with lichens and mosses, which gives the stones an appearance of naturalness and proximity to natural landscapes.

However, limestone can provoke liming of the soil, which will negatively affect the growth and development of plants planted here. As a rule, limestone has a light shade of white or grayish color, much less common breed of Golden or bluish color. Can offer you and limestone cream color, although it will quickly delaminate and crumble, not differing in any durability.

Granite for creating an Alpine slide is exceptionally hard. The sharp edges of granite resistant to abrasion and normal wear and tear. In this regard, for our purposes, it is of little use, since it does not form a natural kind of rock garden, but only emphasizes its artificiality and man-made.

Limestone with a porous structure and containing remnants of flora-tuff or travertine. This rock is twice as light as ordinary limestone. And due to its porous structure, tuff is often used for planting and growing all kinds of representatives of the plant world.


От: OldZem,  

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